Scope of Work
Excellent writing about the physical world.
A Music-Making Machine
Nick Seaver on music technology, from the player piano to the algorithmically-generated playlist.…
Notes On Libraries
On the warehousy — and not-so-warehousy — aspects of modern library management.…
6 min read
Small Parts Memory Palace.
Systems for tracking—and simply relating to—the small parts of past projects.…
Scope Creep, 2024-05-31.
To say that something has been fabricated is a relatively small claim. Fabricated things have been made, fashioned, or built,…
Don't Chop, Saw.
I have been with a chop saw for about twenty years. And now I am without one.…
Notes, 2024-05-20.
George Cave on the most nerdy and obscure of personal interests.…
Scope Creep, 2024-05-17.
...little curls in the air, expanding spherically from their respective centers, darting through one another, rushing backwards and forwards.…
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