Scope of Work
Excellent writing about the physical world.

Many of my friends here in San Francisco dream of starting a company, getting investor money, and then somehow making the world better...…
In a twist on the “I can’t access my bitcoin fortune because I forgot my password” narrative, we were struck by the story of this guy in Wales...…
Last week I got a tip that Dragon Innovation, Avnet’s supplier vetting & manufacturing oversight business, shut down last October. Founded in 2009...…
Notes, 2021-02-01.
It's a snow day in NYC - a messy time, but one in which stuff more…
I’m generally pretty skeptical of social media as a tool for good, but I've come to appreciate the way it holds me accountable to self-set goals...…
Announcing the 2021 Adhesives cup - a grand battle of glues, tapes and other sticky stuff. Voting starts today to crown the (totally subjectively)...…
Site Selection is the magazine of corporate expansion and area economic development - in other words...…
Happy New Year, all - and congrats for making it through the last one.-Spencer Wright…
Looking back at the year, it’s difficult to see the new life experiences I happened to have as separate from, well, the year that was. This is perhaps…
I’ve been counting silver linings as we approach the end of a chaotic year, and one that stands out is that I’ve had a lot more time to read...…
Unpickable locks and the often underestimated investment needed for large infrastructure projects…
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