2018-06-25 3 min read


Planning & Strategy.

  • Atul Gawande was named CEO of the healthcare company that Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan set up recently. In addition to being a surgeon and a researcher, Gawande is possibly the most affecting writer I've ever read. His work is empathetic, thoughtful, and widely applicable, and his interest in improving healthcare is clearly comprehensive. The implications for this venture are obvious. If you haven't read him, I recommend starting with his 2006 piece "The Score," which is about childbirth but is *really* about the tradeoffs that come with industrializing something that once was a craft. Ditto his books: I've read both The Checklist Manifesto and Better and just started Being Mortal. In short: I find a lot of the news rather discouraging, but this... this seems like a good thing.
  • Bunnie Huang on the USTR's new tariffs, which 'do not include goods commonly purchased by American consumers such as cellular telephones or televisions.' "Think about it – big companies with the resources to organize thousands of overseas workers making TVs and cell phones will have their outsourced supply chains protected, but small companies that still assemble valuable goods from basic parts inside the US are about to see significant cost increases." TPR fits this description exactly: We're the rare case of a consumer electronic device that's made in the US, with ~60% of our COGS going to Massachusetts and a range of lower value parts being imported from overseas. Needless to say, Bunnie's argument resonates. Related: The largest nail manufacturer in the US laid off more than 10% of its workers this month and "could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day."
  • A quick overview of a leaked Lime pitch deck.

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