2016-08-21 2 min read



I'm speaking at AM3D tomorrow in Charlotte, NC. Holler if you're there!

Wayfinding & Strategy.

  • Seth Godin on careers:
    The scientist invents the train. The engineer builds it out. The operations manager makes it run on time. Operations managers shouldn't do experiments. Scientists shouldn't ask for instructions on what to do next. Engineers shouldn't make stuff up...
    Which hat do you wear?
  • SolarCity is working on a full roof made of solar panels. It strikes me that a modular setup has big benefits, especially if you expect that solar cell technology will improve faster than your roof will deteriorate - will be interesting to see what their design looks like.

Making & Manufacturing.

Distribution & Logistics.

Inspection & Testing.


Credit to Mackenzie, Gabe, Dan, Kane, and Reilly for sending links this week. If you see something, send something :)


A tour of the Lego headquarters & factory.

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