2015-08-02 2 min read



I spent all week in the Pearl River Delta, doing sourcing for The Public Radio and thinking about China & the future of manufacturing. I'll have detailed notes on a few of our factory visits soon; in the meantime, I wrote down a bunch of general observations on the trip and the reasons that I really, *really* like visiting China.


  • I worked at Undercurrent for almost a year and a half, during a transitional and decidedly formative point in my career. In April, Quirky (which was in the midst of a Quixotic fundraising round) acquired Undercurrent, and over the past weeks both Q and UC went through the process of shutting down, permanently.

     The whole experience has been fascinating and tragic, and ultimately I'm excited for my next phase of work. Here are my thoughts in more detail.

    ^ This means that I'm now a free agent; holler at me to work together :)




Stuff that doesn't fit into my dumb/arbitrary categories.


Street (and hotel window) photos from our trip to the Pearl River Delta.

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